Intentional Parenting: Top 5 Tips To Be An Intentional Parent

What is Intentional Parenting?

Parenting these days is like trying to find your way through a maze with a million different paths. There are so many opinions out there, from blogs and magazines to books and well-meaning relatives, all telling you how to raise your kids.

But you know what? After being in the trenches of parenting for a while now, I’ve figured out that the best approach is intentional parenting.

Intentional parenting means that parents actively and purposefully take part in their child’s upbringing. They make mindful choices and decisions that reflect their values, goals, and the needs of both themselves and their child.

It’s all about really thinking about how you want to raise your kids and then adapting your style to fit their unique needs. Because let’s face it, every kid is different, so why not tailor your parenting to what works best for them?

It’s not about following some one-size-fits-all rulebook; it’s about being present, paying attention, and doing what’s best for your child. And that, my friends, is the real secret to successful parenting in this crazy modern world.

Also Read: Is Uninvolved Parenting Style Damaging Your Child’s Future?

How can I be a more Intentional Parent? Top 5 Tips

Intentional Parenting

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There are several ways in which you can be intentional about how you raise your children.

1. Listen to them!

There is nothing more important in my opinion than for you to always be tuned into what they are telling you. Even when they are at their youngest, it is so important that you listen to them. Listening isn’t about when they are verbally talking to you. Listening to them with regards to what their body language is telling you is equally important, because they might not always be able to tell you verbally what’s on their mind.

2. Do things with them

And, by that, I don’t necessarily mean that you have to take them places all the time. If they’re young enough, get down on the floor with them and play with them. If they are older, go for walks with them, etc…They’ll appreciate it. Believe me, they will.

3. Model Good Behavior

For example, when you are out with them in social settings, let them see how you treat others. For myself, I try and always give others grace even when they do or say something wrong to you. Treat them with kindness. Your kids are watching.

4. Be Consistent

Being a parent isn’t easy, and there are times when we just have to take it one day at a time. But if we focus on being consistent, it can make our families stronger.

So, what does that mean? It means doing what we say we’ll do and sticking to it.

When we’re consistent, it’s like being a reliable friend. Our kids know they can trust us, and that makes them feel safe. And when they feel safe, they’re more likely to behave well and have better relationships with us. So, even when things get tough, let’s try to be consistent—it’ll make a big difference for our families.

5. Commit To Stay Connected

Let’s talk about something that affects all families: distractions. They’re everywhere, and they can really mess with our family life. There are two big areas where distractions sneak in:

  1. Technology at home
  2. Being busy outside of home

We’re always feeling the pressure to do more, especially if we have a bunch of kids. It’s easy for things to pile up! So, we need to take a good look at how much time we’re spending away from home as a family. We’ve got to figure out what’s really important to us and focus on that.

And even when we’re all together at home, are we really present?

Sure, there are always things that need to get done. That’s just life. But we have to be intentional about what we’re filling our schedules with. And it’s important to set some boundaries.

For instance, in our family, we’ve decided no phones or tablets at the dinner table or in the car. We also try to have at least a couple of nights each week where we’re all home together with no activities planned. It’s all about making choices that help us stay connected as a family.

Parenting is the hardest job you’ll ever have in your life. Embrace every moment. It is a blessing.

Also Read: 10 Parenting Tips for New Parents: Nurturing Your Little One with Care and Confidence

4 Principles for Intentional Parenting

Check out the video below to know about the 4 principles of Intentional Parenting!!

How can Intentional Parenting Help us?

Intentional parenting can be incredibly helpful for us in many ways. Let me break down the top five benefits for you:

1. Closer Parent-Child Connection

When we practice intentional parenting, we actively engage with our children and make them feel valued. This helps us build a stronger bond with them, so we feel closer and more connected.

2. Positive Behavior and Values

Intentional parenting allows parents to model and teach positive behavior and values. By intentionally demonstrating kindness, respect, and other important values, parents shape their child’s character and help them develop into responsible and compassionate individuals.

3. Effective Communication

With intentional parenting, we focus on listening and communicating effectively with our children. We create a safe space where they feel comfortable expressing themselves, which leads to healthier and more meaningful conversations for the whole family.

4. Emotional Well-being

Intentional parenting prioritizes the emotional well-being of both parents and children. We recognize and validate our children’s emotions, helping them develop emotional intelligence and resilience. Plus, we also take care of our own emotions, leading to a happier and more balanced family life.

5. Personal Growth and Development

Intentional parenting encourages us to reflect on our values and actions. This self-reflection helps us grow as individuals, become more self-aware, and improve our parenting skills. It’s a journey of continuous learning that benefits both us and our children.

By embracing intentional parenting, we can nurture a closer parent-child connection, instill positive behavior and values, improve communication, enhance emotional well-being, and experience personal growth and development. These advantages contribute to a happier and healthier family dynamic.

Also Read: Uninvolved Parenting Examples & Types


Intentional parenting is a journey of self-discovery and growth, both for parents and children. By embracing this approach, we can cultivate meaningful relationships, nurture essential life skills, and empower our children to thrive in an ever-changing world. Remember, the little moments of intentionality add up to make a big difference in the lives of our children. Let’s embark on this journey with purpose and passion, knowing that our efforts today will shape the leaders of tomorrow.

Featured Image by Vecteezy

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