16 Hair Care Tips To Control Hairfall & Encourage Hair Growth

The most frequently asked query nowadays is “how to control hairfall,” as the sight of endless volumes of hair on pillowcases, bathroom basins, and home floors alarms us every day. At a young age, the fear of being bald is intense. But don’t be scared! Let’s discuss hairfall. Although it’s a subject that isn’t frequently discussed, many people encounter it at some point in their life.

According to the American Academy of Dermatology, between 50 and 100 hairs are typically lost each day (AAD). Your head has roughly 100,000 hairs, so that slight loss is hardly noticed. In most cases, new hair grows in to replace the lost hair, although this isn’t always the case. Hair loss can be tough to manage, whether it is caused by stress, hormonal changes, medical conditions, heredity or nutritional deficiencies.

Also Read: What Causes Frizzy Hair After a Shower ?

Causes of Hairfall

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Below mentioned points are the reasons of hairfall:

  1. Genetic factors: Male and female pattern baldness, also known as androgenetic alopecia, is the most common cause of hair loss and is caused by a combination of genetic factors and hormones.
  2. Hormonal changes: Hormonal changes that occur during pregnancy, menopause, or the use of birth control pills can also cause hair loss.
  3. Medical conditions: Certain medical conditions such as thyroid disease, lupus, and polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) can cause hair loss.
  4. Medications: Certain medications, including blood thinners, birth control pills, antidepressants, and high blood pressure medications, can cause hair loss as a side effect.
  5. Stress: Physical or emotional stress can cause hair loss, through a process called telogen effluvium, which causes hair to enter a dormant phase and fall out.
  6. Nutritional deficiencies: A lack of certain nutrients, such as iron, zinc, and biotin, can cause hair loss.

16 Tips To Control Hairfall and Encourage Hair Growth

Let’s take a look at the tips to control hairfall and how to grow new hair follicles that encourage healthy hair growth. Here are some things you may do at home once a month or once a week to strengthen and revitalise your hair.

Head Massage with Oil/ Hot Oil Treatment

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In order to control hairfall, you should massage your head with oil and nothing beats a hot oil massage. Women have utilised head massages with oil for years as the most effective remedy for hair loss. Even your mother and grandmother, we’re certain, would concur with us. Girls who are busy and lack the time or simply don’t want to spend hours on hair maintenance might consider this choice.

Try daily scalp massages to improve blood flow to the hair follicles, using natural oils to the hair and scalp, such as coconut or olive oil, increasing your intake of protein-rich foods, and using herbal remedies like saw palmetto or green tea to nourish your hair and scalp. Remember that nourishing the scalp, shielding the hair from harm are the keys to learning “how to control hairfall naturally.”

Use Right Shampoo & Conditioner

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To control hairfall, it’s necessary to use the right shampoo and conditioner.

Understanding your scalp type and selecting the appropriate shampoo are essential. Additionally, depending on your scalp, you should shampoo your hair. For instance, over-washing hair with a dry scalp or failing to wash oily locks three times each week can contribute to hair loss.

Additionally, check to see if the shampoo contains sulphates, parabens, or silicone, which can weaken your hair and increase the risk of breakage.

It’s crucial to condition your hair, whether with a regular conditioner, a leave-in conditioner, or a deep conditioning hair mask. Conditioned hair not only feels softer and less frizzy, but it also avoids needless breakage from dryness.

If you believe that hair masks are an expensive indulgence, try making your own DIY hair masks at home with products that are likely already in your pantry. These masks, which are entirely natural, will aid in preventing hair loss.

Eat a Balanced Diet 

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Your poor eating habits may be one of the key reasons why you lose hair. The health of your hair will undoubtedly be impacted by a diet lacking in the necessary amounts of vitamins and proteins. Therefore, eating a nutritious diet is probably one of the simplest ways to control hairfall and one of the greatest ways to boost immunity and fend against infections.

Protein- and biotin-rich meals are crucial for preserving the health of your hair and enhancing its appearance. Superfoods including lentils, fruits, fish, green leafy vegetables, almonds, and lentils can give your mane a fuller, healthier appearance.

Drink Enough Water

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Dehydration is known to severely affect your body and has an impact on your hair health as well. You can avoid this by staying regularly hydrated and drinking at least 6-8 glasses of water every day. Also, you can also drink healthy fruit juices that can be easily made at home. Not only does this keep your scalp healthy, but it also acts as one of the easiest home remedies to control hairfall.

Exercise Regularly 

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You can control hairfall by using the correct hair care products in combination with a healthy, balanced lifestyle. The above products, when used in conjunction with a brief meditation or jog around the park, will undoubtedly perform wonders to control hairfall and encourage hair growth.

One of the simplest natural cures for hair loss and hair restoration is incorporating different physical activities into your daily routine. As previously said, yoga is a great way to stay active because several of the poses also serve to strengthen the immune system. Additionally, engaging in regular morning walks, running, or participating in other outside activities will keep you healthy and engaged. Therefore, participating in such physical activities may be one of the finest natural treatments to control hairfall.

Sleep Well 

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Your system is reset when you sleep. Getting 6-7 hours of sleep each night helps your body and mind detox and regenerate, lowers stress, and boosts your immune system. Lack of sleep can raise cortisol levels, the stress hormone, weakening hair follicles and resulting in hair loss. If you have trouble falling asleep, try reading a book or listening to calming music. Turn off all lights and electronic devices before going to bed. Hence, getting a good sleep is crucial to control hairfall.

Avoid Smoking & Reduce Alcohol Consumption

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Smoke from cigarettes contains dangerous free oxygen radicals. If these poisons are not eliminated, it may result in a weakened immune system. They also harm the hair follicles, which causes more hair to come out . Stop smoking to control hairfall and promote thicker hair.

Dehydration is caused by alcohol. Additionally, it decreases the body’s capacity to absorb certain vitamins and minerals that are beneficial for strengthening and growing hair. You should drink less booze. Two times every week, you may have one glass of wine. You can also sip on cold fruit juice mixed with herbs, ice, and crushed ice to strengthen and regenerate hair follicles.

Refrain from Over Washing 

Washing your hair nearly every day damages your hair follicles and stops it from becoming thicker, even though keeping your hair and scalp clean is highly necessary. Additionally, it depletes your hair of the natural oils that keep it healthy and protect it. In order to control hairfall, you should wash your hair every three to four days in order to promote hair development . Your hair has a chance to gain from natural oils during this break.

Avoid Using Heat Styling Tools 

Control hairfall

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This is the first item you should give up if you wish to grow your hair out more densely. Hair loses moisture when hair style appliances are used frequently, resulting in dry, damaged locks. This leads to many breaks, which eventually cause thinning and hairfall So, stay away from hair styling tools to control hairfall.

Shield your Hair from Outside Harm 

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The sun can do damage to your hair and stunt hair growth. Always wear a hat when you plan to be outside in the sun for a longer period of time. This prevents your hair from becoming dry and brittle. Before swimming, tie your hair up in a bun and cover it with a swimming cap and wash your hair with a clarifying shampoo after. Try and cover your hair in a hat or a scarf as much as possible which will help you to control hairfall.

Brush it Right 

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It’s crucial to pay attention to how you brush your hair while looking for ways to control hairfall and promote hair growth. Regular and intentional brushing helps to evenly distribute the natural oils on the scalp, which might have an impact on the thickness of your hair. Regardless of the texture of your hair, brushing every day aids in exfoliating the scalp and removing stray hair. Plastic brushes should not be used since they cause static, harm strands, and increase breakage. For the best possible care of your hair, use a wooden comb or a brush with boar’s hair.

Try to Relax / Minimise Stress 

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Numerous studies have demonstrated that your stress levels can have a significant impact on the condition of your hair. The primary issue brought on by stress is hair greying. Therefore, one of the best hair fall remedies you try can indirectly result from looking after your mental health through difficult times. You can work on this by engaging in healthful hobbies like yoga, meditation, and other physical and mental pursuits, as these will help you control hairfall.

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Take Haircare Supplements 

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No matter how hard you try, it’s often impossible to maintain a concentrated and steady diet. You can prevent this by using a hair supplement with your diet. Consider consuming foods that are high in biotin, zinc, vitamin B12, vitamin D3, and iron. If you have any health concerns, see your doctor before taking this regularly.

Also Read: 10 Homemade Hair Masks To Control Hairfall

Gently Dry With A Towel 

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If you want to control hairfall, after washing your hair, cover it in a soft towel and allow the cloth to absorb any extra water naturally. When drying your hair, avoid rubbing the hair shafts together.

Dry your hair gently using a scrunching motion to avoid hurting the shafts or roots. Use a hair dryer on a moderate heat setting if you need to get ready quickly. However, refrain from using blow dryers frequently at all costs.

Refrain From Chemical Treatments

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Rigorous hair treatments like perming, colouring, and straightening are not good for your locks. Additionally, to control hairfall, stay away from using blow dryers and curling irons, especially on damp hair, as these appliances essentially boil the water inside your hair shafts, making them brittle.

Keep your blow dryer on the lowest heat setting if you must use it. If you plan to use other heated hair treatments, start with a fortifying leave-in conditioner and end with a shielding spray.

Follow the above mentioned effective hair care guidelines to control hairfall, and use our recommended routine to strengthen hair without effort.

Use DIY Hair Masks

Your hair can become lifeless, fragile, and vulnerable to damage from daily exposure to pollution, stress, and harsh sunshine. While there are countless treatments on the market, a homemade hair mask for hair development comprised of natural elements works the best.

All hair types can benefit from a DIY hair masks for intensive conditioning that promotes hair growth and thickness. Before discussing hair masks, let’s first discuss the causes of hair loss and what may be done to stop it.

Also Read: 10 Homemade Hair Masks To Control Hairfall

Essential Oils To Control Hairfall

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There are several essential oils that may help control hairfall and promote hair growth, including:

  1. Rosemary Oil: Rosemary oil is believed to improve hair growth and thickness by stimulating blood circulation in the scalp.
  2. Peppermint Oil: Peppermint oil has been found to increase hair growth by promoting blood flow to the hair follicles.
  3. Lavender Oil: Lavender oil is believed to promote hair growth and reduce hair loss by balancing the scalp’s natural oil production.
  4. Cedarwood Oil: Cedarwood oil is said to help stimulate the hair follicles, which may promote hair growth.
  5. Thyme Oil: Thyme oil is known for its antimicrobial properties that can help combat scalp infections, which can lead to hair loss.
  6. Jojoba Oil: Jojoba oil is rich in vitamins and minerals that can nourish the hair and scalp, helping to improve hair growth.
  7. Tea Tree Oil: Tea tree oil has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties that can help to unclog hair follicles and promote hair growth.

It’s important to note that essential oils should be used in small amounts and be diluted with a carrier oil such as coconut oil before being applied to the scalp. It’s best to do a patch test first before using it extensively and also to consult a doctor or a trichologist before using it if you have any allergies or sensitivities.

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